Thursday, May 24, 2012

One regret

Yesterday, I purchased my first audiobook from itunes. It was after a text conversation with a good friend about a new and inspiring book written by Bob Harper (The Biggest Loser – USA) called 'The Skinny Rules'.

The best thing about having an audiobook is that I can listen to it when I am driving and it is only about an hour long so I can definitely listen to it a few times.

I have bought a lot of nutrition and fitness books over the years and barely read any of them; I wish they were all audio. However, I am nearly finished listening to Bob’s book. It is fantastic. Through his own experience with clients and Biggest Loser contestants etc. he has come up with 20 rules the make up the Skinny Rules. From drinking a glass of water before EVERY meal to having apples and berries every day I found listening both uplifting and enlightening.

I have a copy of the book requested from our library, but I definitely want to buy a copy as well.

Through the course of our text conversation both my friend and I revealed that we wished we had started our weight-loss and fitness journey sooner in life. It got me thinking. If I had maintained my weight in my 20’s I would certainly have had a healthier, more active life.

I do not regret much in my life, but I do regret gaining 50kg since I turned 20 and losing my level of fitness. At 36 I feel that I am at the halfway point of my life and it could have been a lot more enjoyable. I probably would have found it easier in my 20’s and early 30’s to maintain my weight and fitness if I had kept up regular gym attendance and good eating.

I guess at least I am making the change now and it is a change that will stay with me for the rest of my life. I want the rest of my 30’s to be happier, healthier, fitter, stronger and leaner. I want to be under 100kg when I hit my 40’s.

At the moment I am just taking it one day at a time. 

My advice is that if you are unhappy with your weight or fitness then do not put it off; start today. Even if it is just doing 1-2 things differently each day. Do not wait for the motivation to come; start changing your habits now. 


  1. That's great advice. I think the only way to make life long changes is to take little steps, and ones you can keep up permanently without it being a chore.

    1. It is definitely about the little steps. Just looking at how much I exercised in March...I did really well. So I just need to finish May off well and then do more in June :)

  2. I love how you're using your one 'regret' as motivation to better your life - it's never too late to make changes either physically or psychologically and not many people ever understand that :)
    Go you! xo

    1. Thanks Kez. I just want the second part of my life to be healthy and happy :)

  3. Fantastic post Ness. I wish that I had sorted my weight earlier too - you still have well over half your life ahead of you, so go for it!!

    1. Yes, I am really annoyed with myself. I feel like I have missed out on a few things because of it. Oh well I can do some stuff in the second half of my life.
