Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Music Brings all the Feels

It is funny how particular songs bring back memories of a place or event or a person.

There are two songs that strongly remind me of when my dad was sick. I do not know if it is because they were songs I listened to a lot or whether they have some other special meaning.

- Russian Roulette by Rhianna
- Bathe in the River by Hollie Smith

Even now, I find it difficult to hear these songs and not be reminded of my dad.

When my father-in-law passed away recently there was a song that I was listening to that will always remind me of him. I remember listening to it and lying on the bed weeping openly over his loss.

The song is probably the furthest from the genre of music that he would have liked. However, given that he had a Reggae version of ‘Rivers of Babylon’ played at his funeral, perhaps this song is fitting.

- Doin’ it Right by Daft Punk

Are there songs that remind you of people, events or places?

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