Friday, March 31, 2017

Friday Favs – Week 11

Pic from Half Baked Harvest
Even though I am not drinking now, how INCREDIBLE does this drink from Half Baked Harvest look!

Tropical Strawberry Hibiscus Rum Smash from Half Baked Harvest!

I love this dog. Every time I think of Angus, who is currently living at Animal SOS Sri Lanka I feel such joy!

Pic from Animal SOS
His back legs are paralyzed but he has a trolley that he can use and they also do hydrotherapy with him and many of their other dogs in the Indian Ocean. My goal is to go to Sri Lanka and volunteer for this rescue organisation for a week and go swimming with Angus. It is on my list of 101 things to do; I do not think it will happen before April 2018 though. It will happen though!

This is my last post for March and that means I have blogged every day for a month! So one more thing to “tick off” my list!

Thursday, March 30, 2017

A Lovely Dance

For over a year I have been meeting with a psychologist to work through some “stuff”.

Tonight, we talked about how we need to start getting into the crux of the things that I want to sort out for myself. She likened what we have been doing as a ‘lovely dance’ which I thought was a great analogy.

To be fair, the last year has been full on with a lot of horrible stuff that has happened for us personally. It has followed a few years of nightmarish stuff that has occurred because of terminal illness and death. Without her, I honestly do not believe that I would have made it through the last year. She has provided a voice of reason and sanity at times when I thought that I could not go on. I know that friends and family also provide this was well; it is just nice to also talk to someone that is completely emotionally unattached to my life and learn strategies to better cope with things that come up in life.

If was to liken the current dance to a ‘waltz’ I think that the next few months will see me doing the ‘tango’ and then probably dancing solo for a bit.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Blog a Day in a Month

So, I have nearly finished my 'blog every day for a month'. It has been challenging especially remembering when I was away.

I think I missed one day when I was flying to the UK. I did make up for it when I blogged twice on one day.

Some days have been easy to find topics and other days I have struggled.

All in all it has been great and I have been glad to be getting back into blogging again as I have missed writing.

I am going to try to blog a couple of times a week.