Monday, September 6, 2010

Stuff and Step-Up Pain

It has been a while since I last updated my B.L. Challenge journey. I have had some up and down weeks and struggled with getting to the gym 5 times a week as I got sick twice in August. Normally, I do not get the flu but this time I had to take antibiotics and probiotics and I had about 4 days off work and spent a lot of time in bed. The upside was that I got to watch a lot of TV and I also managed to lose a bit of weight.

As a group we have decided to embark on another 8 weeks of the challenge. I expect that until we reach our respective goals we will probably continue to do 8 week blocks. Our goals are varied from wanting to feel healthier to having a first or second baby. At the end of the day I think that we are united by a common goal to support one another in achieving positive changes in our lives.

I have been watching episodes of The Biggest Loser Australia. I think that we are a few seasons behind in New Zealand; however I am really enjoying it. I find it extremely motivating and heart-breaking. Some of these people’s stories are incredible and it is also interesting to hear about things from a “guys” point of view. The only guy that I know that has lost a lot of weight is Kepa; so it is interesting to see that the guys feel a lot of the same stuff that gals feel.

Last night while watching I got really emotional with one guys story. His wife basically gave him an ultimatum “lose 60 or lose 60”; essentially if he does not lose weight then his marriage will be over. It is heartbreaking to watch and his confidence is at an all time low; he just has no faith in himself at all. He also got really frustrated and angry when he could not complete a challenge dished out by his trainer Shannon. I cannot wait to see him at the end of his journey.

Watching these people who are mostly over 120kg push themselves is inspiring and incredible. I am not a doctor, however I figure if your blood pressure is good and you are relatively healthy then you can probably push yourself to do more than you think you can. Last week I had to do step-up’s on a box which I absolutely hate (I normally swear and want to cry); which is due to my crappy cardiovascular fitness. In the middle of all the pain I thought to myself “if those contestants can push themselves hard then so can I” and I managed to finish. I am sure in time step-ups will get easier and I relish the day when this happens! On the couch last night I thought to myself "what can I do step-ups on at home" and I realised that I can do them on our back steps. :)

What do you do to challenge yourself and push yourself exercise-wise?

The Biggest Loser screens Monday – Friday at 9am on TV3.

Previous Weight: 157.4kg
Current Weight: 153.8kg
Weight Difference: 3.6kg
Initial Goal Weight: 99kg
Work out pledge: 3 cardio and 2 resistance workouts

PS My favourite workout song this week is “Take it Off” by Ke$ha.

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