Wednesday, September 8, 2010


On Saturday 4th September in the early hours of the morning Christchurch experienced a huge earthquake. So when things stopped shaking; in the cold light of day it became apparent to most Cantabrians that the damage to buildings, their personal belongings etc. was pretty severe.

In the following days as people picked up the pieces and helped their friends and neighbours no less than 300 aftershocks followed. I have been blown away by the support and concern shown by the Twitterverse. One of the 1000’s of tweets that really summed it up for me was from @redcantab “Especially those of us who live alone. Twitter has been a real lifeline”. To me, that says it all!

Having never experienced an earthquake (other than the shaking house in Te Papa, Wellington) I cannot imagine what people are going through. Based in Auckland I feel like my hands are tied, as I certainly cannot help out on the ground.

Nevertheless, I have realised that there is something that I can do to send a little help their way. This morning in the car on the way to work I decided that I could bake cupcakes and cakes for a cause. 100% of the donations will go to the Red Cross Canterbury Earth Quake Appeal.

So if you want to help out selling, baking or buying cupcakes or cakes then please let me know or 021 525 691. I have also started a Twitvite!

Twitter Username: @nessliddell

Twitter Hashtag is: #Cupcakes4Cantabs
Twitvite is:

When: Monday 13th September 2010
Where: Newmarket, Te Atatu...other areas TBC
Cost: $2 per cupcake or 3 for $5. Additional donations are welcomed. Note: Money will go straight to the Red Cross.

So tell your friends and family and let’s try and raise as much money as we can!!


  1. This is a great idea :) I'm not sure if you're a Facebook user but have you considered creating a Facebook event to promote this and make more people aware that they can help too? I think it would help it spread really quick! :)

  2. D'oh! sorry I found out straight after that there was already one! Silly me. Looking forward to supporting the cause though :D

  3. @Zoe thanks for your comment!!

    I have added the link to my blog. Let me know if it works okay.

  4. Fabulous. Now I know what I'll be doing on Sunday evening. You're an inspiration.

  5. @Lisa I inspired you to bake? Oh that's cool. I just wanted to do something to help our Christchurch people out a bit. :)
