Monday, September 12, 2011

Blogs that I Cannot Live Without

I have realised that so many of my blogs are born from anger or sadness. I want to blog when I have happy things to talk about as well. 

I would love to blog about my nephews and nieces but I find it hard to do this without putting a million photos up. Unfortunately, their parents are not really keen about having their photos up online so I tend not to blog about them at all. Perhaps I will find a way around it somehow.

I read a lot of blogs written by New Zealanders, American’s etc. and I love them. They write funny, sad, angry, poignant blogs. I am addicted to reading them and looking at their pictures. There are blogs that make me think, blogs that make me cry, blogs that challenge my own beliefs. These are some that I cannot do without; I love them….they enrich my life (this is not even half of the blogs I read regularly):


Pretty Stuff



Last week I noticed that Penguin Books were looking for bloggers to review books. I was really keen and then I realised that I did not think that many people read my blog #SadPanda. I kind of wonder how other bloggers increase their visitor numbers? Write regularly? Shorter blogs? Have cool photos?

Any ideas?~ Because it's all about me!


  1. Thank you so very much for including me Ness! xx

  2. Thanks so much for the shout out :)
    I'm so flattered! I enjoy your blog too!
    I don't know how my reader/traffic numbers seems like a happy accident each time! I think because I comment on other people's blogs, they wonder who I am and tend to click on my URL. I try to blog once a week so people know they can expect something from me regularly.
    You should put your hand up to review books! People who google the book titles will find your reviews and hence, more traffic! :)

  3. Thank you for including me (and Wallace)! :-) And yeah, definitely sign up to review books! I think shameless self promotion is the best way to get your blog out there, and also commenting on heaps of other people's blogs with insightful comments and not a direct link back to your blog... intrigue other bloggers and they'll come visiting you! :-)

  4. Tara, Kez, Alice (and Wallace). How could I not include you all. I love all of your work, and love your blogs and photos.

    Yes, I definitely need to start posting more comments on people's blogs. I guess I just read them, think about writing a comment and then I forget or get easily distracted.

    Thanks for your suggestions though. I am even considering whether "Blogger" as a platform is the best place for me to blog.

    Will definitely considering entering Penguin's competition :)

    Ness xx

  5. YAY I am stoked to have made your list! Thank you so much :) I don't really blog for the numbers, if I get 30 readers on a post I am pretty happy with that haha! I blog for myself, and if anyone likes reading what I have to write - then that's a little win win right there.

    I also forget to comment on peoples blogs - mainly because I read them in Google reader and then never click to actually visit their blog. Must do that more often.

    Good luck with the Penguin Competition - I think you would make a great reviewer, and I would love some more book recommendations!

    xx L

  6. Hey Leah. I love reading you blog and hearing about your adventures. I don't really worry about numbers either and it was only the competition that made me think more about it and how people reach a greater audience.

    I forget to comment as I read things via reader as well. I should just favourite the one's I want to go back and comment on later :)

    xx Ness

  7. Hey there!! Just stumbled across your blog (not even sure how as I am a serial!).
    I love how you broke down your blogs that you love in categories. I am into photography and sometimes it's nice to be able to go to another blog and be inspired by what other people enjoy looking at!! I have read a few of your posts and like your sense of humor.....the world needs more people who know how to let go and just be themselves!! Refreshing to find!!

  8. Hey!

    Yes, I am a serial clicker as well and end up following a lot of very cool blogs that way. I have added yours into my reader :)

    I try and keep some of my blogs light, but I don't always achieve that.


