Monday, February 27, 2012

2012 Project 52 – Week 8

19th – 25th February
I have been a bit slack with taking photos this week. However, on Friday I had a perfume party at home. I used to sell Le Reve years and years ago and I miss having beautiful perfume to wear. So when the specials came through at the beginning of this year I knew that it was time to have a party and get some new goodies. They finally have my favourite fragrance as part of their range so buying some was not negotiable.

I had a full day’s training at a university (I was the trainer) and managed to get home earlier. I then cleaned for about 2 hours in preparation for my visitors. Honestly, people think I am a clean freak but to be honest I normally do a crazy clean before people come around or come to stay. I made sure that I had some healthy nibbles like fruit, wholemeal crackers and hummus etc.

The girls came around and we had a fun evening laughing, trying perfume etc.

Also, my best friend’s husband went out with Mark on the boat to do a bit of exploring.

So really it was a fabulously productive day/evening.

P.S. I managed one walk and one bike ride last week. Pretty slack to be honest. However, my Zumba DVD's arrived...I am beyond excited about trying those out! 

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