Thursday, January 27, 2011

Week 3 – w/c Saturday 15th January, 2011

Saturday (15/01/11) ~ it was my first catch up with my friend Chev for the year at Sylvia Park and we went to see Burlesque. I absolutely loved Burlesque and when we went shopping afterwards I ended up buying the soundtrack. Later on we had some lunch and people watched. Watching the children on the vertical bungee was awesome as they just laugh without restraint; so cool!
Sunday (16/01/11) ~ spent the day with Mark’s best friend, his wife Mel and her daughter. It was an amazing day! We went all the way out to Clevedon to see his family’s church and graves and then we drove to Maraetai and had fish and chips under a tree. It was amazing to see all the families there having fun in the water. I do not want to say too much as I think I will probably write a blog about our day out.

Monday (17/01/11) ~ I had the most amazing lunch with the Delish gals “trough salad”. Amazing! I went to see Carla for a catch-up and birthday bubbles a week on from her birthday.

Tuesday (18/01/11) ~ I did a one-day customised training for one of our customers. It was pretty good and a busy day. (NO PHOTO)

Wednesday (19/01/11) ~ Mark and I had to get our car serviced today so we caught the bus which was actually quite stressfree once we finally found the bus that went the way we needed it to go. Also, saw this cute window as I walked from the bottom of Newmarket to work.

Thursday (20/01/11) ~ I “harvested” a whole lot of vegetables from Mark’s garden. I would say “our” garden, but it’s really his baby and it is flourishing.

Friday (21/01/11) ~ We woke up early and Ollie (Ginger Ninja) really did not want me to go to the gym. I raced home from work at lunchtime to try and feed Limpy some freshly cooked chicken. Unfortunately, he seemed disinterested. After work I ended up sitting downstairs for a wee while having cuddles with kittens including little Misty (Grey Torti).

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