Monday, February 4, 2013

Fit and Fabulous February

So February…HELLO! Where did January go?

New you see the Diva Pink?!
After the first Albany Lakes walk I went to Shoe Clinic in Newmarket and got some new shoes and socks. The staff were so helpful and INCREDIBLE!! If you want new sports shoes then I definitely recommend Shoe Clinic. Oh and the shoes are a women's size 12!!! This blew me away as I always have to wear men's shoes and HELLO they have pink on them. #HappyNess

I joined MotivateMe NZ which is very exciting and below is a post that I put up on the wall of their secret group the other day. 

Here’s my big confession. I was really meant to get back on the better eating and exercising train in January. It started well with lots of RPM and less junk…however it did not continue. As soon as I was back at work the exercise fell to the wayside and I wanted to eat ALL THE FOOD….I think I was having a few “treats” every day. You know how it goes need/want chocolate and then think about the pros cons; ignore the cons and go to the café and buy something amazing. I have been to the gym once since being back at work and for one walk because I had paid to do it.

I need to be accountable to myself but also to others (i.e. MotivateMe NZ) so that I stay on track and keep focused.

I am absolutely blown away by what you all have achieved and love seeing your stories, your journeys, your food photos, your exercise photos. It is so inspiring. I know that most of you have huge commitments in your life (work, family, food planning/preparation, exercise and children) and you seem to balance these without faltering. But if you do falter or struggle there is a whole crowd cheering you on and offering words of advice, support and suggestions about how to get through the next week, day, minute or second.  I also figure if all of you can balance everything then surely I can as well?

It is now February-Eve and I am deciding what I need to do to make February better and re-focus on what I want to achieve.
Clean(er) eating | replace “treats” with healthier options i.e. fruit or brain balls
Exercise | 3-4 walks per week and 3-4 gym work outs
Better meal planning/organisation
Probably no takeaways again
    I realise that even though there are 24 hours in a day there just does not seem to be enough time to sort out everything that I want/need to do. I was trying to think of ways to get everything in to make time for exercise, food preparation, “me time” etc. So this is roughly what I came up with:

    4.45am-5.00am– get up and travel 
    5.30am-7am– gym 
    7.15-7.30am– get to work/breakfast 
    7.30am-4.30pm– work 
    5pm– home 
    5.15pm-6.15pm– walk/Mark to ride 
    6.30pm-7.30pm– dinner preparation/dinner/lunch for following day/kitchen clean up 
    7.30pm-9.30pm– personal time i.e. watching TV 
    9.30pm-10.00pm– reading 
    10.00pm– lights out

    I thought that if I prepared a lot of food for the week on one night when dinner is cooking then I could save a bit of time. I think that Sunday afternoons could be a great time to actually prep a lot of stuff for the week i.e. making brain balls, preparing chicken and vegetable kebabs etc.
    ** Last nights dinner (Stuffed Chicken, Cauli Rice and Fresh Tomatoes). Brain balls for the week to stop the cravings

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