Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Events 2013 vs. 2014

Before The Crank 13/09/13

I can’t actually believe that it is the 1st October…seriously? Where did that time go? Our RPM instructor today said “7 weeks until summer” to motivate us to work harder; I am sure I pushed myself a bit harder after that!

This year I wanted to increase the number of events that I did vs. 2012 and by May I had already done the same amount that I did in one year. Then I went to Korea and everything kind of fell over from there.  On the plus side I have continued with my RPM journey and tomorrow night I am going to try Les Mills Body Attack for the first time; yes I am FREAKING OUT. I do need to start walking etc. again otherwise in November I am going to DIE with three events!!

So this is 2013 vs. what I plan to do in 2014

2013 (3 x events still to go)
20th January - Westfield Albany Lakes SummerSeries Race 1 (10km) Time: 1:47:33
10th February - Westfield Albany Lakes Summer Series Race 2 (10km). Time: 1:51:02
3rd March - Westfield Albany Lakes Summer Series Race 3 (10km). Time: 1:48:05
10th March – Ports of Auckland Round the Bays (8.4km). Time: 1:36:49
17th March - Coatesville Classic (8km). Time: 1:33:07
The Crank 6am 13/09/13
23rd March – Partners Life Dual Motutapu (#1620) – Rangitoto Traverse (10km). Time: 2:37:18
14th April - Whenuapai Half Marathon (#0071) (10km). Time: 1:47:01
21st April - Orewa Beach Half Marathon (10.5km) Time: 1:59:20
12th May - Mazda ORock 6K Obstacle Course - (6km) Time: 1:14:14
20th July - Charity Spin Cycling Ride
13th September - The Crank
17th November - Sculpt 6K (6km) Time: 107.14
30th November - Walking Stars (21km) Time: TBC

2014 (so far)
26th January - The ColorRun™ (5km) Time: TBC
23rd February - Mazda ORock6K Obstacle Course - Time: TBC
9th March – Ports of Auckland Round the Bays (8.4km). Time: TBC
22nd March – Partners Life Dual Motutapu – Rangitoto Traverse (10km). Time: TBC
TBC April - Whenuapai HalfMarathon (10km). Time: TBC
13th September - The Crank
XX November – Adidas Auckland Marathon (10km). Time: TBC
XX November - Sculpt 6K(6km). Time: TBC

So there we go! Bring on 2014!

Who is with me????